Talk Travel Asia co-hosts Scott Coates and Trevor Ranges share their backgrounds, including when and why they moved to Asia, how they got to know each other, and what they’ve been up to in the travel industry over the past decade.

Meet Scott Coates: Co-host of Talk Travel Asia

Scott Coates at Borobodor temple – Java, Indonesia

Background:  Scott discusses his years in Thailand as co-founder of Smiling Albino, a high-end travel company that specializes in unique travel experiences and hosting adventurous guests in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, & Nepal. Trevor discusses his evolution from test-prep instructor in Hawaii to guidebook writer for Fodors and National Geographic in Thailand, Laos, & Cambodia.

Talk Travel Asia Co-host Trevor Ranges

Trevor Ranges at Bayon Temple, Cambodia

How their paths crossed:  Friends for over 10 years, Scott and Trevor explain how their lives in Asia further overlapped through a fellowship at the East West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, collaboration on Smiling Albino’s Planet Asia Travel Channel, and their adventures together on the road while Scott was updating Groovy Map’s Cambodia title and Trevor was working on a start-up travel website, TravelDojo.

Why launch a podcast?:  Listen to the premier episode of Talk Travel Asia and discover what inspired Scott and Trevor to collaborate on a podcast and learn about a few of the informative, quirky, and insightful personalities from their extensive network of travel experts they intend to interview in upcoming episodes.

If you’re looking for insider advice, interesting perspectives, and 20-30 minutes of good times, join Scott and Trevor as they cultivate travel insight through intelligent conversation.

Links to items discussed in this episode:

To learn more about Scott & Trevor:

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